Monday, 22 August 2016

Mah brovver

My brother bought me this leather sketch book in London for Christmas, quite a while ago.  I drew his portrait on the first page a couple of days after receiving it; I don't know why it took me so long to post this.

Black Magic Woman

This was one of the most frivolous presents I bought this year from my holiday in Cornwall but one of my favourites. I got it at the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic and as soon as I got it home I was compelled to burn a couple of fingers :P

Gill's hare

My dad's girlfriend, Gill, commissioned me to paint her a messy watercolour hare with autumn colours after seeing so many on holiday at extortionate prices, this is the result.

Skyhill Black and White

This painting was inspired by the lyrics "I'm pouring colour on your black and white disguise, it's like seeing the world for the first time"  from the Skyhill song "Black and White"