Saturday 26 July 2014

Alzheimer's Association

So hey don't wanna spam you with charity stuff but a Youtuber called Muyskerm is holding a charity livestream for the Alzheimer's Association. He's on twitch .  The charity supports the patients suffering with Alzheimer s and the family, the money raised also goes towards research. So if you could check it out many people and families would benefit from it. Even if you only give a pound it will help out, but if you can't donate that's fine just spread the word and try to get others aware of this stream. Thank you xx

Friday 25 July 2014

Best Friends Animal Society

So a Youtuber called Markiplier did a charity livestream a few weeks ago for the Best Friends Animal Society. There was a specially designed t-shirt for the occasion, designed by cryptid-creations on Deviantart, featuring the Amnesia monster hugging a kitten. All of the proceeds from these went to the charity; I bought a black Amnesia T-shirt and it has just arrived eeek :) I think it's amazing how Markiplier's community works together to help one another and to donate to so many different charities, it truly makes a difference. With so many bad things happening in the world it can be easy to forget that we can help each other. We can change the world, we can make it a better place.  Being a part of Markipliers community I am constantly reminded of the spectacular things we have already done, the charities and lives we have helped and I know that by working together will continue to achieve amazing things.  xx