Friday 31 January 2014

Percy Grainger

Percy Aldridge Grainger was an Australian-born composer, arranger and pianist and man alive was he hot!

Victorian Photoshop

Haha, they had a thing for removing heads in photos :D


I would very much like to get a corset, my problem is that its kind of expensive to get one. So I would want one that I could dress up for a night out somewhere fancy, a night out just with friends, or formal at work. But that means I would probably have to have a black one and I don't want a plain black one, it's a bit boring. My favourite coluor is red so I would like a corset that colour but red corsets tend to remind people of burlesque I don't really want that if i'm wearing it formally. But anyway here are a few corsets that I like :D


Woooo I have a fringe now x

Sunday 26 January 2014


So this is a sculpture of a woman's head made out of books that I did in my last unit for art and design at college. It was unfortunately unstable so there is a stick of wood holding her chin up.